Spelthorne Borough Council     

Services Committees Forward Plan and Key Decisions


This Forward Plan sets out the decisions which the Service Committees expect to take over the forthcoming months, and identifies those which are Key Decisions.


A Key Decision is a decision to be taken by the Service Committee, which is either likely to result in significant expenditure or savings or to have significant effects on those living or working in an area comprising two or more wards in the Borough.


Please direct any enquiries about this Plan to CommitteeServices@spelthorne.gov.uk






























Spelthorne Borough Council


Service Committees Forward Plan and Key Decisions for 24 September 2024 to 7 January 2025


Anticipated earliest (or next) date of decision and decision maker

Matter for consideration

Key or non-Key Decision

Decision to be taken in Public or Private

Lead Officer


Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 24 09 2024


Establishment of Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy Task Group and Terms of Reference

Non-Key Decision




Stephanie Green, Housing Strategy and Policy Officer



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 24 09 2024


Group Training Licences in Parks

Non-Key Decision




Mary Holdaway, Sports and Active Lifestyle Officer, Kamal Mehmood, Strategic Lead for Leisure and Community Development



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 24 09 2024


Bringing the service at White House and Harper House in house

Non-Key Decision




Marta Imig, Housing Strategy and Policy Manager



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 24 09 2024


Review of Community Safety

Non-Key Decision




Will Jack, Community Safety Officer



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 24 09 2024

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee 15 10 2024


Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy 2024-2028

Non-Key Decision




Lisa Stonehouse, Community Development Manager



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 24 09 2024


Q & A with Borough Commander

Non-Key Decision




Matthew Walton, Borough Commander



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 02 12 2024


Budget Report

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 02 12 2024


Community Centre Saturday Opening (a continuation)

Non-Key Decision




Stephen Mortimer-Cleevely, Strategic Lead, Independent Living



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 02 12 2024


Draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

Non-Key Decision




Stephanie Green, Housing Strategy and Policy Officer



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 02 12 2024


Emergency Accommodation Placement Policy

Non-Key Decision




Stephanie Green, Housing Strategy and Policy Officer, Marta Imig, Housing Strategy and Policy Manager



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 02 12 2024


Growth Bids, Capital Bids & Savings Plan

Non-Key Decision




Mahmud Rogers, Joint Financial Services Manager



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 02 12 2024

Council 12 12 2024


Annual Grant Awards 2025/2026

Non-Key Decision




Lisa Stonehouse, Community Development Manager



Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee 07 01 2025


Leisure Strategy

Non-Key Decision




Kamal Mehmood, Strategic Lead for Leisure and Community Development
